Learn About Canada

Canada has a Prime Minister instead of President
Their country is comprised of Provinces, not States and they are Ten:  British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Islad; and Three Territories: Norwest Territories, Yukon and Nunavut.
Canada is an independent constitution monarchy. The Canadian Constitution retains Queen Elizabeth as the Queen of Canada, and keeps its membership in the commonwealth.
They legalized the medical use of marijuana in 2001, and the gay marriage in 2005.
Canada became a nation on July 01, 1967
Labour Day is the First Monday of September
The United States is Canada's leading trade partner and vice versa.
28% of Canada's are British descent, 23% French Origin, 15% are of other European Background, 26% mixed background, 6% are of Asian, African or Arab descent, and 2% are of aboriginal background.
English and French are the official languages and federal documents are published in both languages 
Gross Domestic Product 1787 Us Billion Dollars as of October 22, 2015, Unemployment rate 7.1%. Retirement age for woman and men 65. Gold reserves 2.99 tonnes, Government Debt to Gross Domestic Product: 86.51, Personal Income Tax 29%, Sales Tax Rate 5%.
All citizens qualify  and are covered for health coverage including dental surgery, regardless of medical history, personal income, or standard of living. It has one of the highest life expectancies (80 years) and the lowest infant mortality rates of industrialized countries.
Approximately 9.5% of gross domestic product is spent on health care. Individually Canadians spend $3,300 per capita on health care.
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